November Calendar
Important Dates
Nov. 1 - PD Day - No School for Students
Nov. 2. - Parent Council Meeting (6:00 PM)
Nov. 7 - Daylight Savings (Fall Back)
Nov. 10 - Class based Remembrance Day activities
Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day - No School
Nov. 12 - Family Friday - No School
Nov. 26 - PD Day - No School for Students
Nov. 29 - Report Cards sent home with students
Nov. 30 - Parent Teacher Interviews
Dec. 1 - Parent Teacher Interviews
Dec. 3 - Family Friday - No School
Our Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, November 10th. We are unable to hold assemblies, so we are creating a virtual assembly that classes will be able to watch in their classrooms.
Our report cards and Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Nov. 30th and Dec. 1st. Please be on the lookout for your child’s report card after school on Monday, November 29th. Our interviews are going to be by phone again this term. Classroom teachers will contact you to schedule a time for the conversations.
NLPS has a number of new Trustees on the School Board. You can see who they are and find their contact information at
Remember to dress your kids for the cold! Winter is coming and students go outside for recess all the way down to –20 C so they need all their warm gear for playing outside.