Student Conduct and Parent Responsibilities

Student Conduct

Student Code of Conduct 

The Vera M Welsh Student Code of Conduct fits within the Northern Lights Public School Student Conduct Policy. 

Achieving and maintaining a positive climate is the responsibility of everyone in the Vera M. Welsh Elementary School community. Our code of Conduct reflects our ongoing work in  School Development where we actively work towards the development of social responsibility in  all our students.  

With a school population over 300 students, this may be the first time that a child is learning to  play or has played with so many students the same age as them. We will focus on intervention  and teaching students to identify the problem and help formulate more acceptable  alternatives for the future.  

Student Rights and Responsibilities  

1. I have a right to learn in this school. 

  • It is my responsibility to listen to instructions, work quietly and raise my hand if I have a question or concern. 

2. I have a right to hear and be heard. 

  • It is my responsibility to listen when others are speaking. 

3. I have the right to be respected in this school. 

  • It is my responsibility to respect others. 

4. I have a right to be safe in this school. 

  • It is my responsibility to make safe choices for myself and others. 

5. I have a right to privacy and my own personal space. 

  • It is my responsibility to respect the personal property of others, and to accept their right to privacy. 

In order for all children to learn to the best of their ability and play with respect and dignity, Vera  M. Welsh Elementary School strives to have a safe, respectful, and non-threatening environment both in the classroom and on the playground. All students and staff have the right to work in classrooms free of disruptions and to enjoy playtimes free of aggressive behaviours. 

In a nutshell, our Code of Conduct is based on respect for self, others, and property. Students  are expected to apply the Code of Conduct principles at the bus stop, on the bus, during the  school day, and during extra-curricular activities.  

Principles of the school’s Code of Conduct as well as some examples of each are listed.  Parents/Guardians are asked to review these with their children. In school we use a model of  “looks like”, “sounds like”, “feels like”, as we work with students on social and behavioural  expectations. Research tells us that modelling and practice are key steps in helping  students learn new skills and to regulate their own behaviour. Teaching, modelling, and  reteaching (as necessary) the principles at school and at home help students make good  social decisions.  

Principle 1: Students are expected to show respect for self and others. 

Every student is responsible for contributing to making our school community safe, caring,  respectful and an inclusive environment. 

Principle 2: Students are expected to respect school property and the property of  others. 


  1. Students are to play within the boundaries of designated play areas. 
  2. Students are expected to take care of their own property and respect the property of  others. 
  3. Students are allowed on playground equipment only during supervised times.
  4. Students are expected to respond to the bell. 

Principle 3: Students will learn what is expected of them in terms of appropriate behaviours. 

  1. Staff will teach and model the terms Vera M. Welsh’s Code of Conduct. 
  2. Activities and programs which support and complement the Code of Conduct will be used. 

Principle 4: Consequences including re-teaching will be set up for students who infringe   upon the rights of others and/or do not follow principles 1 and 2 of the Code of Conduct.  

Principle 5: School staff will seek to have excellent communication between themselves and   parents when students are not abiding by the Code of Conduct. A team meeting will be held to discuss and devise a plan for dealing with serious and/or habitual inappropriate behaviour, as needed. 


Parental Responsibility 

Parents/Guardians are responsible for supporting Vera M. Welsh Elementary School’s Code of  Conduct. 

  1. Parents/Guardians play a vital role in developing student behaviour and conduct. It is our expectation that Parents/Guardians: 

            -Be aware of the school’s code of conduct 

            -Work with the school to resolve student behaviour issues when they affect their child

            -Cooperate with the school’s recommended course of action for the student 

            -Model appropriate behaviour and language for their child. 

  1. All parents/guardians are reminded that they are subject to the school’s Code of Conduct, as are all students and staff.