8:20 | Doors Open |
8:30 - 8:40 | Students Go To Class |
8:42 - 8:45 | O' Canada / Announcements |
8:45 | Morning Classes Begin |
11:45 - 12:05 | First Recess / Lunch |
12:05 - 12:35 | DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) |
2:00 - 2:20 | Second Recess |
3:20 | Get Ready Bell |
3:23 | First Round Bell - Bus Students |
3:27 | Second Round Bell - Bus Students |
3:29 | Last bell |
Bell Times
Daily Schedules
The daily schedule for students will change on a 5-day rotating basis. The first day of school will be DAY ONE with subsequent school days changing according to the order of the five day rotation.
Dismissal Procedures
3:23 Dismissal of first round bus students
3:27 Dismissal of second round students.
3:30 Dismissal of pick up students
- Students who are picked up by parents or designated persons will meet either at the Garden doors or the outside gym doors. Please confirm the location with your child's teacher.
- If parents are asking other adults to pick up their child(ren), please contact the school. They will be required to sign the Student Sign Out Book at the front office.
- Parents are asked to notify the school by written note and/or calling the front office if their child(ren) will not be going home in their usual manner.
- Please assist us in promoting and modeling safety by using the north and south crosswalks during BUS loading and unloading times.