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Parent Teacher Interviews and IPP Review Time - March 17 and 18, 2020. 

Parent Teacher Interviews Update!

In-person Parent Teacher Interviews at Vera M. Welsh Elementary  School have been canceled but teachers will be getting in touch with parents and guardians to arrange parent teacher interviews by phone or Google Hang Out over the next few days. We will be sending out report cards for all of our students soon so that you will be able to have the report card when you talk with your child's teacher. Teachers will do their best to work around your schedule for these discussions but we appreciate your patience as we work through this process together.




Hard to believe that March is here.  The school year is going by so quickly.   February was our Heart/Kindness month and it was full of activities such as Winter Walk Day, Teacher Convention, Red/Pink day to celebrate Valentine’s day, we also celebrated the 100th day of school on February 19th, and finished it off with our annual Pink Shirt day.

With March officially here, I am definitely looking forward to the spring weather which I am sure will     arrive soon.   While we wait, it is important to continue to dress for the weather.  It will soon be time to pull out the rubber boots, but until then please ensure that students have their winter boots, jackets, snow pants etc. in preparation for our outside recess breaks.

March is National Reading Month!   Did you know that studies have shown that by simply reading 20 minutes a day, a child could read as many as 1,800,000 words in a school year?   Reading develops your brain, provides a window into the world around you and helps you do better in all school subjects.   “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”— Dr. Seuss, 

Parent Teacher Interviews and IPP Review Time - March 17 and 18, 2020. 

Please remember that our Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for March 17th and 18th from 4:30 until 7:30 pm.  Report Cards will be sent home with students on Monday, March 16th to give parents a chance to look over the report card before coming in for an interview.   We highly recommend that you take this opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to ensure that you have a good understanding of how your child is doing at school.  I have been regularly visiting classrooms and am impressed with the wonderful learning happening.  I am proud of all of our students’ hard work and efforts.  Your child’s  teacher will be sending more information home regarding your interview times.  Most teachers are planning to give a choice of student led interviews where your child can show you what they are learning or traditional 1:1 interviews based on parent preference.  We value any opportunity we have to be able to discuss your child’s progress with you.  Your support is greatly appreciated. 


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